Benefits & Eligibility for the Aid & Attendance, Housebound & Basic Pensions for Veterans & Surviving Spouses

Last updated: November 29, 2023



Veterans Affairs (VA) pensions provide a monthly, tax-free monetary benefit for wartime veterans (or their single survivor spouses) who are in need of supplemental income. There are three types of pensions and their cash benefit amounts and eligibility criteria vary.
• Basic Veterans Pension / Basic Survivors Pension (also called a “death pension”)
• Aid & Attendance (A&A) Pension – an “enhanced pension” to help cover the cost of long-term care. This is added to the Basic Pension amount.
• Housebound Pension – an “enhanced pension” for permanently disabled persons with limited ability to leave their home. This is added to the Basic Pension amount.

 Did You Know? VA pensions can be used to pay for assisted living. Veterans can get free assistance finding residences that accept VA Pensions. Start here


Medicaid vs. VA Pensions

For persons who might be eligible for either Medicaid or a VA pension, a decision may need to be made about which to pursue. VA pensions come as cash benefits, and the benefit amounts could exceed Medicaid’s income limits. While the portion for Aid & Attendance and Housebound Pension benefits do not count towards Medicaid’s income limit, the Basic / Survivors Pension amount may be counted (based on the state). This potentially could make one ineligible for Medicaid.

It is possible for persons to simultaneously receive Medicaid benefits and a VA pension, although the benefits may be limited. For example, a single Nursing Home Medicaid beneficiary with no spouse or dependent child will have their VA pension reduced to $90 / month. While the VA does not require a veteran (or surviving spouse) to apply for Medicaid, Medicaid does require that applicants apply for VA pension benefits if they have a right to them.

As a generalization, Medicaid is a better financial option for persons who require nursing home care. This type of care is extremely costly and rarely does the VA pension cover the entire cost. On the other hand, the VA pension is generally a better option for home care or assisted living. This, however, is not the case for all families. For married couples who both have care needs, but require different levels of care, it may be beneficial to pursue both options. The question quickly becomes complicated when one spouse lives independently and the other needs nursing home care. Furthermore, eligibility criteria for Medicaid and Veteran pensions differ. It is strongly advised one seek the advice of a financial planner who is an expert in both areas. Find a planner here.


VA Pension Rates (Maximum Annual Pension Rate or MAPR) for 2024

The Basic Veterans, Basic Survivors, A&A, and Housebound Pensions provide veterans (or their unmarried surviving spouses) with supplemental monthly income. This cash benefit can be used for any purpose, such as paying for home care, home modifications like stair-lifts or walk-in tubs, or assisted living.

Calculating the pension benefit amount for a veteran or surviving spouse is complicated. One’s current annual income, as well as any unreimbursed medical expenses (UMEs), are considered. From Dec. 1, 2023 – Nov. 30, 2024, the Maximum Annual Pension Rate (MAPR), which is the highest benefit amount one can receive each year, are as follows:

Basic Veterans Pension / Basic Survivors Pension

• Veteran with no spouse or dependent child – $16,551 / year ($1,379 / month)
• Veteran with a spouse or dependent child – $21,674 / year ($1,806 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other – $21,674 / year ($1,806 / month)
• Surviving spouse with no dependent child – $11,102 / year ($925 / month)
• Surviving spouse with a dependent child – $14,529 / year ($1,210 / month)

Aid & Attendance Pension for Veterans / Surviving Spouses

The A&A Pension is a monetary “add on” to the Basic Veterans / Survivors Pension. The amounts below are the maximum benefit amount a veteran or surviving spouse may be entitled to for Basic Veterans / Survivor Pension plus Aid & Attendance Pension.

• Veteran with no spouse or dependent child – $27,609 / year ($2,300 / month)
• Veteran with a spouse or dependent child – $32,729 / year ($2,727 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (one qualifies for A&A) – $32,729 / year ($2,727 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (one qualifies for A&A, the other for Housebound) – $36,395 / year ($3,032 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (both qualify for A&A) – $43,791 / year ($3,649 / month)
• Surviving spouse with no dependent child – 17,743 / year ($1,478 / month)
• Surviving spouse with a dependent child – $21,166 / year ($1,763 / month)

 Use a VA Pension calculator here that provides an accurate estimate of the monthly cash benefit available to veterans and / or their spouses. 
Housebound Pension for Veterans / Surviving Spouses

The Housebound Pension is a cash “add on” to the Basic Veterans / Survivors Pension. The benefit amounts below are the maximum monetary amount a veteran or survivor spouse may be able to receive for Basic Veterans / Survivor Pension plus Housebound Pension.

• Veteran with no spouse or dependent child – $20,226 / year ($1,685 / month)
• Veteran with a spouse or a dependent child – $25,348 / year ($2,112 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (one qualifies for Housebound) – $25,348 / year ($2,112 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (one qualifies for A&A, the other for Housebound) – $36,395 / year ($3,032 / month)
• Two veterans married to each other (both qualify for Housebound) – $29,021 / year ($2,418 / month)
• Surviving spouse with no dependent child – $13,568 / year ($1,130 / month)
• Surviving spouse with a dependent child – $16,989 / year ($1,415 / month)


Eligibility Requirements for VA Pensions

There are multiple eligibility criteria for a VA pension. Some are common across all the types of VA pensions, and others are pension-specific. The rules are complicated, especially with regards to income and asset calculations. For this reason, we have partnered to provide a free, simple VA Pension Eligibility tool. It is free and takes about 5 minutes to complete. Start here. Also, assistance is available to help veterans who might be ineligible to understand how they can become eligible.

Military Service Requirements

A veteran must be discharged from military, air, or naval service, and served a minimum of 90 days of active service (full time duty) with a minimum of 1 day served during a time of war. Veterans who became active duty after 9/7/1980, must have served at least 24-months active duty. If less time was served, they must have finished an entire tour of duty (their period of obligated active duty service).

War Time Periods

• May 9, 1916 through April 5, 1917 – Mexican Border Period (Veterans who served in Mexico, the borders of Mexico, or adjacent waters)
• April 6, 1917 through November 11, 1918 – World War I
• December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946 – World War II
• June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955 – Korean Conflict
• February 28, 1961 through May 7, 1975 – Vietnam Era (For veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam. If not, the valid dates are August 5, 1964 through May 7, 1975.)
• August 2, 1990 through currently undetermined – Gulf War

 A dishonorable discharge does not meet the service requirement and a Veteran will be ineligible for VA pensions.


Countable Income Requirements for 2024

One’s “countable income” must be less than the Maximum Annual Pension Rate. In simple terms, a veteran or surviving spouse cannot have annual income greater than the maximum annual VA pension benefit amount they potentially can receive. When a veteran is married, their spouse’s income is also counted.

“Countable income” includes most income that a veteran or surviving spouse receives. Examples include earnings, retirement and pension payments, social security, and social security disability payments.

One’s “countable income” can be reduced by subtracting unreimbursed medical expenses (UMEs) from their annual income. Examples of UMEs include the cost of home health services, dentures, hearing aids, wheelchairs, premiums for health insurance, and prescription drugs. For UMEs to be deducted, the total amount must be greater than 5% of the MAPR, and then, only the amount above 5% can be deducted.

For example, the MAPR for the Basic Veterans Pension for an unmarried veteran with no dependent child is $16,551, and 5% of this amount is $828. If the veteran has $1,028 in UMEs, $200 can be deducted from their countable income ($1,028 – $828 = $200). If their annual income is less than the MAPR after deducting UMEs, they are income-eligible.

If confused by the income calculations, be aware that there are multiple types of VA Benefits Advisors that can help.


Net Worth Requirements for 2024

A veteran or surviving spouses’ net worth is limited. Effective 12/1/23 – 11/30/24, the net worth limit is $155,356. In 2018, the VA significantly changed how net worth is treated by imposing a strict net worth limit that includes one’s assets and annual income, and if married, their spouse’s assets and income.

Countable assets include savings and checking accounts, mutual funds, stocks, and vacation homes. One’s primary home and car do not count as assets, and therefore, do not count towards the net worth limit.

Countable annual income is the amount of income left after deducting allowable unreimbursed medical expenses (if any). For instance, if a veteran receives $943 / month ($11,316 / year) in Social Security and has no allowable UMEs, $11,316 will be added to their net worth.

If an applicant is over the net worth limit, this does not mean they cannot still meet the limit. VA Benefit Planners can offer assistance in reallocating assets so that they are not counted towards one’s net worth. Contact a Professional VA Planner.

The VA has a 3 year Look-Back Period for asset transfers immediately preceding pension application. This is to prevent veterans and survivors from gifting assets or selling them under fair market value in an attempt to meet the net worth limit. This rule took effect October 18, 2018 and does not include transfers made before this date. If a veteran (or surviving spouse) violates the Look-Back Period and the transferred assets would have put them over them over the net worth limit, a period of pension ineligibility up to 5 years may result. However, if an asset has been gifted and the veteran or surviving spouse is able to get it back, there will be no penalty period.

 A Simpler Way to Determine Eligibility 
Our organization has partnered to provide veterans with a simple Pension Eligibility Test. It is free, fast (takes 5 minutes), and provides an estimate of the monthly cash assistance one can receive. Start here.  


Disability / Age Requirements

The disability criteria vary depending on the specific VA pension from which the applicant is seeking assistance.

Basic Pension
A veteran must meet ONE of the following conditions:

  • Be a minimum of 65 years old
  • Have a permanent (there is no chance, or very little chance, the disability will improve) and total (100% disability rating) non-service connected disability
  • Reside in a nursing home facility due to a disability and require long term care
  • Be a recipient of disability benefits from Social Security

Aid & Attendance Requirements
A veteran or their survivor must meet ONE of the conditions below:

  • Need assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, and mobility
  • Be bedridden (confined to one’s bed)
  • Be a resident of a nursing home facility due to the inability to function physically or mentally
  • Have profound visual impairment (both eyes have equal or less than 5/200 visual acuity OR the visual field has concentric contraction equal to 5 degrees or less)

Housebound Requirements

  • A veteran or their surviving spouse must be “substantially confined” to their home due to a permanent disability.
 One cannot simultaneously receive the A&A Pension and Housebound Pension.


Application Process

A veteran or surviving spouse cannot be eligible for the Aid & Attendance or Homebound Pension without being eligible for the Basic Veterans Pension or the Survivors Basic Pension (Death Pension). To apply for the Basic VA Pension, veterans must fill out VA Form 21P-527EZ (Application for Veterans Pension), and for the Basic Survivor Pension, surviving spouses must fill out VA Form 21P-534EZ (Application for DIC, Death Pension, and / or Accrued Benefits). To apply for the Aid & Attendance or Housebound Pension, additional paperwork is required.

In addition to the completed application, specific information must be provided. This may include documentation of income and assets, marriage certificate, military discharge papers, receipts for unreimbursed medical expenses, physician statement of injury / disability, or death certificate of veteran (for survivor spouses). Applications and documentation must be mailed to the Pension Management Center in one’s state. Alternatively, one can apply at their local VA regional benefit office.

 If an applicant is uncertain about their eligibility status, it is advised they seek professional counsel prior to applying as incomplete or partially qualified applicants can experience processing delays lasting many months or even years. Take a free, non-binding VA Eligibility Test here.  


Proceed with Caution / Seek Assistance

Filing for VA pensions can be a complicated process, and if not done correctly, one’s application may be delayed or denied. It is highly recommended that one seek assistance from an experienced VA Planner who can offer guidance through the application process. For more information about applying for VA benefits or for assistance with the application process, contact a professional Veterans Benefits Planner.